Good support is vital at all stages of your breastfeeding journey.
Just because breastfeeding is the natural way to feed your baby doesn’t mean that it’s always easy (neither is formula feeding!). But getting expert help and support early saves heartache, stress and money.
Identify whether your baby is allergic to foods you’re eating
Maximise your diet if you’re following a vegan or milk-free diet
Plan for maintaining breastfeeding when you go back to work
Stop or wean from breastfeeding
Balance breastfeeding while introducing solids
Assess your baby’s growth
Registered Dietitian + Lactation Consultant
A registered dietitian can help you with basic breastfeeding advice. And a lactation consultant with basic nutrition advice. I’m the ONLY professional to hold both qualifications working privately in Ireland. Therefore I’m uniquely qualified to give you a comprehensive feeding service. You’ll get breastfeeding solutions to breastfeeding concerns, and I am 100% WHO code compliant. Plus I’ve breastfed four babies of my own!
Benefits of a Virtual Consultation
Recognised by ALL health insurers
Tailored to your needs
Perfect for busy parents
Professional advice from the comfort of your own home
Safe and secure
Arrange a Virtual Consultation
Click here to pick a day and time to suit you
Tell me about your child & complete payment
Let’s talk and agree a plan