by Caroline O' Connor | Registered Dietitian | Lactation Consultant | Sep 20, 2022 | Weaning
INSIDE: Are you confused about what a 7-month-old feeding schedule looks like? This blog covers everything you need to know in 10 easy steps. You’ve nailed carrot, cauliflower and organic broccoli foraged from the farmers’ market. Weaning’s a breeze...
by Caroline O' Connor | Registered Dietitian | Lactation Consultant | Sep 15, 2022 | Blog, Feeding Toddlers, Weaning
Everyone has their own opinion about when can babies drink cows milk. In this blog, you’ll get answers to all your questions about introducing your baby to cow’s milk. “No cow’s milk before one”, advises your mother. “Introduce...
by Caroline O' Connor | Registered Dietitian | Lactation Consultant | Jan 14, 2022 | Blog, Weaning
I had my first avocado when I was mid-twenties! But times have moved on and now they’re a common food, even in Ireland. A ripe avocado is one of the healthiest foods to start your baby on as it is full of healthy fats and key nutrients to support...
by Caroline O' Connor | Registered Dietitian | Lactation Consultant | Jan 12, 2022 | Recipes, Weaning
“Can I give my baby porridge?” is often asked on my Instagram Q and A sessions. In this blog, you’ll learn that, YES, you can. And get five simple porridge recipes to share. ALL my babies’ (there were four!) introduction to porridge was a Pear...
by Caroline O' Connor | Registered Dietitian | Lactation Consultant | Nov 19, 2021 | Weaning
Starting your baby on solid foods is an exciting milestone in your little one’s development – it doesn’t only open them up to an exciting new world of taste and textures, but it also helps them to grow. When to Start Baby Food Knowing when to wean...
by Caroline O' Connor | Registered Dietitian | Lactation Consultant | Oct 7, 2021 | Weaning
Are you ready to embrace full-on baby-led weaning? Or do you see yourself using a combined approach, offering both finger food and food from a spoon? Whichever you decide, finger food has a lot to offer you and your baby. In this blog, you’ll find ideas on how...